“I don’t want to go back to the hospital.”
After having serious health problems for ten years, we could understand my mom’s reluctance to endure more medications and treatments that often made her worse.
Though we understood she was tired of being sick, we weren’t ready to let her go. However, we didn’t think we should force treatment on an eighty-seven year old lady who was tired of the pain.
After calling my son Chris, Alan and I left for my parents’ home. I tried to prepare myself for the end but didn’t know what we would find when we arrived.
As we drove, Chris, Anne, Ashlyn, Emily and Molly prayed. Part of their prayer was that my mom would consent to go to the hospital for treatment.
My phone rang. “We are on the way to the hospital and will meet you there,” my dad said. “I didn’t mention going any more. She just said she wanted to go.”
We didn’t know what changed mother’s mind until I spoke with Anne. When she mentioned they had prayed for mother to go to the hospital, we knew we had another miracle.
How thankful our family is for her being treated there. When the doctor said she had a nasty type of pneumonia, we knew if she had stayed at home, she would not have survived.
Though she is still in ICU, the doctor last night was more encouraging. Her lungs were clearer and her fever was gone. Hopefully, the sedation will soon be reduced and the ventilator taken out in the next couple of days.
Thank you for all of your prayers. They certainly do work. The quickly answered prayer reminded us that God listens and miracles do occur.
He heals up the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 (NIV)
Dear Lord, thank you for watching over us and listening to our prayers. Amen