Saturday, August 11, 2018

A Wee Visitor

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning the sixth day. (Genesis 1: 31 NIV)

            When I added the scraggly, clearance plant to my garden, I didn’t even know what kind it was but it grew and provided for many tiny creatures. The stems shot up as tall as four feet.

            Every day bees clustered within its foliage. Soaring stems of red orange blooms bounced up and down each time a bee gathered pollen and nectar. Its jumble of color delighted me but I didn’t even know its name. 

            Occasionally, a hummingbird joined the bees for a morning treat. He darted from flower to flower to savor the nectar. His frantic pace only allowed a couple of seconds at each stop as he visited a number of them before zooming away. Because I was inside the screened porch, I observed without disturbing him. 

            When doing my morning devotions, I waited for him to appear and marveled at his tiny size and vibrating wings. He hovered to eat but moved sideways to leave. I learned he preferred red blooms and ignored my pink, white and lavender flowers. Only once did he bring a companion.

            One day while working in my garden, a surprise awaited me. I stood up and at eye level about three feet away, a hummingbird hovered like a helicopter. His body hung vertically as his eyes stared into mine. For a few seconds, I stared back in disbelief and wonder. Then he dipped his wings and flew away like an airplane.

            Our encounter astonished me. Never had the hummingbird come that close nor hovered in midair without pulling nectar from the flowers. What a gift it was to see him up close and have him look into my eyes. 

            God’s creation is full of great masterpieces and also small ones. The hummingbird reminded me to be on the lookout for little things in life that can bring joy. It is easy to overlook seemingly insignificant people, events, and even creatures in favor of the bigger, stronger and louder. Special blessings could be missed. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your creation including the tiny ones. Help me to notice and appreciate whatever is around me. Amen