Thursday, September 3, 2020

Stabs of Pain


Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. (James 1:12 NIV)


Light poked through the trees as dawn awoke the lake. With my Bible, devotional books, and journals, I settled down in my wicker chair on the patio. While immersed in my reading, a tiny stab of pain distracted me. I examined my leg but saw nothing unusual. 


            As I resumed reading my devotional, another prick startled me. Once again, I searched for the cause without success. 


            Even though I returned to my reading, my mind wandered away from the page and to my stinging leg. 


            For the third time, a needle like jab stung my leg. There had to be a reason my leg continued to hurt. Finally, I saw a red welt and the culprit that caused it. I immediately squashed the critter.


            A tiny ant had crawled up my leg and released its venom. Thankfully, it was not a fire ant so it was not dangerous but distracting. Because of the pain, I couldn’t fully engage in my morning devotions until I found the cause. But even after finding the ant, the effects of the bite diverted my attention. 


            Days later, the red spot remained as a reminder. Pain and trials can distract from what is truly important. Instead of searching for the offender and worrying about consequences, focus on what is significant. 


Loving Father, show me what is important and what is not. Guide me in ignoring things which pull me away from your best for me. Amen