Friday, December 16, 2011

Unexpected Fruit

Teeny ripples formed a corduroy lake below an azure sky. Twitters and tweets drifted from towering pines. Burnt orange berries decorated the garden. After days at the hospital, the peaceful garden offered solitude for reflection.

Within the beauty and peacefulness, a lanky, withered tomato plant caught my eye. Its growth exceeded the height of the supporting stake so dead stems hung downward. When I started to pull it from the ground, I noticed blooms.

During its vibrant stage, the poor plant only produced three cherry tomatoes. Why not let it remain and see what would happen?

Inspection a few days later stunned me. Twenty tiny tomatoes clung tightly to the ends of the stems. Only a few motley leaves hung on the struggling plant. Nothing about the specimen offered hope. Nevertheless, the tomatoes grew.

With daily waterings and bright sunshine, the unexpected fruits grew and ripened. What appeared to be dead produced an abundant harvest.

When the plant was healthy I expected many fruits. However, there were only a few. Evidently, all of its strength and nutrition nurtured only the plant itself. Likewise, some people are so self centered there is nothing left to produce good fruit or to help others.

Like my dismal plant, some lives are so damaged and broken that they appear defeated and broken. They want to give up and others may also give up on them.

Then blooms emerge and fruits form. Because of their trials and hardships, compassion increases. Appreciation, for even small things, makes them thankful. God’s love shines through them as they bless others.

My withered plant reminds me to not give up.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5: 22-23 NIV

Heavenly Father, help us look at the fruit of each person’s life and not just the outward appearance. Amen

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