A gorgeous bouquet of pink roses sat on our table. The gift from Dave and Donita, Alan’s brother and sister-in-law, reminded us of Stephanie and their love and concern. In addition to that lovely tribute, they wanted to purchase a lasting plant for our garden. We decided on a pink rose bush.
We pulled up to a local nursery and immediately went to the area with rows of blooming roses. When a man came to help us, Alan told him we wanted a bush as a memorial to his daughter who had just died.
“Would you find a good one for us?” he asked.
The man nodded and proceeded to walk through the flowers. He carefully looked at each one and picked up several pots. Finally, he came back and placed a bush down in front of our group. An array of dark, pink blooms decorated the hearty plant. We all agreed, and the bush was placed into the back of our car.
After Alan closed the trunk, he looked at the man and asked, “How much is it?”
“No charge,” he said as he turned to walk away.
We all looked at each other in amazement. Stunned by his thoughtfulness, we stood in silence.
“Thank you,” we then replied.
When he walked away, he continued, “Money isn’t everything. God bless you.”
What a beautiful gesture for a grieving father. He did not want recognition for what he did but offered his sympathy quietly. We had never met the man but will always remember his compassion during our time of grief. His lovely act of kindness will remind us that seemingly small acts can produce tremendous results.
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for which sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13: 16
Dear Father, thank you for the kindness of strangers. Help me to see and serve my neighbors wherever they may be. Amen