Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Rest of My Birthday Story

My birthday this year on November 7 was one of the worst and also one of the best. During my private pity party, tears moved from trickling to gushing as I grieved for what I no longer had.

Alan had not even mentioned my birthday when we got up like he normally did. I had to remind my mom of what day it was. No calls came to wish me a special day.

As I sat on the patio looking at the lake through tears, the phone rang. My good friend, Sallie, joined my party. We cried, laughed, and cried some more. She was Jesus to me by sharing in my pain.

When I hung up the phone, my party ended. As soon as I stepped into the house, Alan wished me a happy birthday. 

“I had planned to tell you as soon as we got up,” he said. “But I was so concentrated on breathing.”  He hadn’t forgotten. 

Later in the day when I called mother, she didn’t remember our earlier conversation. Right away she said, “Happy birthday.” 

Then we joked about how old she must feel to have such an ancient daughter. She hadn’t forgotten either.

For dinner, Alan and I were able to eat at a lovely restaurant nearby. What a delicious meal we had with a table decorated just for my day. 

Friends near and far remembered my day with cards, phone calls, email messages, and hugs. My Bible study group surprised me with a cake. When they sang, I cried because they cared. 

Chris and Anne invited us for a special dinner. The girls decorated the room and each made a beautiful card. With his 02, Alan was able to be there.

My sister-in-law Kim made sure to get a card for me from mother along with their card. Over and over I was lifted up for several days. I continue to smile and remember family and friends who sent cards that fill the counter. 

Though my day was not as elaborate as some years, it was more precious because of the sacrifices that were made. Alan stored his energy for the day so that we could go out. Family members and friends made sure that I wasn’t forgotten. Each gift was precious. 
God uses His people to comfort others. I was definitely comforted and encouraged by all of the prayers and kind gestures. That made my birthday one of the best. How blessed I am.

2 Corinthians 1:2-4 May the grace and peace from God our Father the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, surround you. He is the Father of Compassion, the God of all comfort. He consoles us as we endure the pain and hardship of life so that we may draw from His comfort and share it with others in their own struggles.  (The Voice)

Dear Lord, thank you for those who comfort. You are the ultimate Comforter. Amen. 


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