Monday, December 8, 2014

The Cardboard Box

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 2 Corinthians 9: 6 NIV

Tucked in the corner by my front door, a cardboard box leaned against the wall. The shape didn’t fit the size for the recent order I placed online. 

As I sliced through the tape on the mysterious box, I wondered what was inside. The outside gave no clues. 

Two flaps of the box opened to reveal a white paper from Costco. There was no
name of the sender.

I picked up the object nestled in the box. When I turned it over, I caught my breath. The picture I had taken of my gorgeous vista stretched across the canvas. 

How special it was to receive the gift. It was like gentle arms enfolded me as I stared at the picture. 

Every time I look at my lake, I am thankful for what God has given me. I marvel at the changing scenes and peacefulness it brings. Its beauty provides comfort and encouragement.

My photo blessed me every time I saw it on my phone or computer. A third blessing came when I held the gift in my hands knowing that someone cared for me. 

Often blessings keep giving and giving. When I am open to God’s leading, I can be part of a blessing chain. 

I finally solved the mystery of the present. I knew it had to be someone who was a Costco member and who was computer savvy. I asked my brother Joe if he knew anything about a canvas from Costco. He had seen my picture online and had it made into a lovely canvas picture. 

Creator, thank you for the blessings you give and keep giving. Help me to share my blessings. Amen

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