Monday, September 14, 2015

My Dismal View


My soul quietly waits for the True God alone, because I hope only in Him. He alone is my rock and deliverance, my citadel high on a hill; I will not be shaken. My salvation and my significance depend ultimately on God; the core of my strength, my shelter, is in the True God. Have faith in Him in all circumstances, dear people. Open you your heart to Him; the True God shelters us in His arms. Psalm 62: 5-8 The Voice

            Patches of gloppy algae coated the shadowy lake. Gray clouds marred the sky. My normally beautiful lake view looked messy and disgusting.

            Traces of sunlight filtered through the trees. In the distance, birds tweeted above the hum of far away traffic. The pops of nail guns came roofs of new homes.

            My patio retreat hadn’t changed locations but the ambiance had. Even though peacefulness remained, beauty and splendor disappeared.

            I could allow melancholy to alter my mood or ignore the ugliness and search for blessings.

            The trees remained strong and tall. Newly mowed grass carpeted my lawn. Yellow daisies smiled in the gloom. Scraggly weeds along the shore had been removed. The mooing of neighboring cows joined croaking of frogs. Ripples formed on the water. The tranquility of the lake scene soothed me.

            Even though I saw and heard evidence of life, I saw no living creatures. However, I knew they were near and looked for them.

            Within minutes, light illuminated the lake. Birds flew above and a few walked the shore. Fish jumped above the water’s surface.

            At times, I have to search for evidence of God too. I know He is near but don’t always see Him.

            Past experiences remind me that dreariness isn’t permanent. Clouds will dissipate. Rain and cooler weather will push algae away.

            When life gets messy and miserable, I remember that no situation, good or bad, lasts forever. Tears stop. Grief lessens. Laughter returns. Hope and encouragement resurface.

            Recently, as tears flowed, God’s arms hugged me, through a new friend. His voice comforted me, through a cousin’s phone call. His perky flowers made me smile. His Word and creation speak to me each day as I continue on my unplanned journey of grief.

Heavenly Father, your presence and love surround me, often through your people. Amen


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