Thursday, February 8, 2018

Even in the Fog

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and He delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:7-9 NIV)

Blackness beyond my patio kept me focused on reading the Bible and my devotionals. Scriptures of hope, trust and love helped me pray for a variety of hurts and needs.

Custody issues with friends’ grandchildren
Death of a friend’s sister only months after the death of her son
A widow friend’s health issues and extreme pain
My older granddaughter’s hospital stay and continuing illness
Heartbreak of placing an aging parent in assisted living for a cousin and friend
A friend’s son in rehab
A friend’s back pain from an auto accident 
Death of my parents’ long time friend
A friend’s constant caregiving for a parent and sibling
Group of friends dealing with the death of a spouse ...

The list went on and on. Their hurts became my own. 

Anticipation of another glorious sunrise halted with the rising sun. Instead of a clear sky, a shroud of gray wrapped the lake. Only a touch of green grass by my patio and a lone oak tree could be seen clearly. 

Everything else beyond my lanai was hidden in a haze. One day earlier a marvelous pink sunrise glowed in the sky and reflected on the lake. Green pine trees stood as sentinels on the shore. A flock of turkeys waddled across my lawn. A chorus of bird melodies blocked the highway noise. Fog obscured the beauty as I searched for a break in the clouds.

However, I still rejoiced at God’s marvelous creation. Not because I could see it but because I remembered. The early morning fog reminded me that I don’t always see Him in overwhelming circumstances even though He is there. He doesn’t always remove obstacles but holds us closely as we walk through them. I trust and hope because He has been faithful.

Father, thank you for being patient when I become discouraged and don’t see you. Help me remember to notice you in all situations. Amen

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