Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Waiting for the Storm


Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

Psalm 62:8 NIV

Today’s the day. After endless broadcasts about the approaching hurricane, Florida waits for landfall. 

            Brightly colored weather maps show possible wind intensity and inches of rain. Changing squiggly lines display the path of the monster storm. Reports of floods and tornadoes add to the dire predictions. 

            Until today, I only occasionally listened to the weather reports so I could be prepared. 

            I secured furniture and plants on my patio. Four chrysalises hung from the top of the butterfly cage and two caterpillars have plenty of milkweed. Their enclosure is next to the wall and away from rain. 

            Instead of riding out the storm alone, I will be leaving soon for my son’s home. I am confident my house would be secure but with a few days of heavy rain and raging wind, staying alone would probably be very stressful. 

            A suitcase is packed with necessary supplies, food in a bag, yarn to crochet, I-pad, phone and chargers. Insurance papers in a plastic ziplock bag, and plenty of books. Doors locked. AC turned up. Almost ready to leave. 

            Rain soaked roads are busy as people leave. Soon I will be with them as I travel to be with my family. 

            As we wait, we have no idea how the storm will affect us. Rain, wind, flooding, tornadoes… But as Christians, we know that God is in control. I can be prepared somewhat but can’t change the weather conditions. 

            Disasters normally bring people together as we have opportunities to be kind and help each other. I plan to stay connected to friends and family around the state. To give updates to those who are concerned about us. 

            Please pray for all of us in Florida. In the middle of our storms, we can rely on God. 


Father, be with us in our recent storms whether related to weather or other situations. Thank you for your love and care. Amen

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