Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Glimmers of Hope in the Pandemic

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.(Proverbs 3:5-7 KJV)
A cloak of black wrapped the sky when I stepped onto my patio. Twinkling stars and bright planets created a wondrous display. The largest and brightest object in the inky sky was a slice of moon which glowed through a gap between the trees. 
            A chorus of crickets droned before dawn. Traffic hummed on a highway outside my community. 
            Normally, I stay inside until the sun appears since I enjoy the sunrises and wakening of the morning. But the darkness seemed appropriate during my time of isolation. Beyond the patio light, I only saw a few stars, a planet and sliver of the moon. 
            Blackness concealed bears, armadillos, coyotes, eagles, cranes, turkeys and other wildlife. All have been spotted in my neighborhood. They could have been waiting in my yard just outside my patio and ready to pounce, rip or attack me. 
            In the daylight, I love watching a variety of birds, deer, turtles, butterflies and other creatures. They provide enjoyment. However in the darkness, my mind speculates about what dangers lurk outside my screen. 

            In the uncertainty of the pandemic, the mind conjures all sorts of horrible scenarios. What ifs can fill days and take over sleepless nights. Fear and distress replace peace and reason. 
            As the sky turned from black to a pale blue, birds awoke and sang a cheery welcome. 
            Just as dawn comes each day, we will come out of it. 
Gradually, our turbulent world will emerge from the pandemic with glimmers of hope.
            Each day, we can choose how to respond to the difficulties. Every morning I spend time reading the Bible, praying and delighting in the beauty of God’s creation. 
            Instead of constantly watching stories of doom on the news, I find uplifting shows and books. I think of creative ways to reach out during social distancing. 
            The books of Psalms and Proverbs provide wisdom, hope and encouragement instead of imagined stories of destruction.  
Loving Father, hold us in your arms as we navigate an uncertain pandemic. Show us your love and strength. Give us hope in the despair of the world. Amen


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