Thursday, June 3, 2021

Another Anniversary


Anniversaries bring celebrations. But sometimes tears when loved ones are missing. 


            Sixteen years ago, family members from Arizona, California, Indiana, Iowa and Florida gathered to be a part of our small wedding. After years and years of dating, Alan and I wed. Our friend, Jeneba, who made small, tiered cakes for us said she should write on them, “It is about time.” 


            As we prepared for the ceremony, I felt like a teenager. Excited to be marrying my special guy. 


            When Pastor Gus told us to repeat the vows, my voice broke and happy tears threatened. I pushed and pushed to get Alan’s ring on but couldn’t. Only when he licked it did the ring slid easily. During our time together, he often made me laugh with unexpected actions or words. 


            During our first year of marriage, every trip we took was a honeymoon according to Alan. We visited my family in Indiana. Soon after that, we traveled to Namibia on a mission and after I retired, we took our first pilgrimage to Israel. Then we went on a cruise following the journey of Paul in Greece and the surrounding areas. Alan told people it was our honeymoon and flight attendants even gave us special treats. 


            Our trips took us to all seven continents on missions and for pleasure. We journeyed by car, bus, train, plane, rickshaw, and boat. Every trip brought adventure and often took me way out of my comfort zone. Alan made me much more adventurous. 


            My life had not turned out the way I thought it would be when I married in my 20’s. There were good times but also very difficult ones.  Being a divorced, single parent had not been my plan. But God was with me through it all. 


            I adapted to being single and wasn’t looking for another mate. But after Alan and I met at a church dance, we dated exclusively for years. We thought we would grow old together but that dream was shattered with his diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis. 


            He is constantly on my mind. I miss his jokes, our trips, his handyman skills, and companionship. Although I miss him every day, I am so thankful for the years we shared. 


            During his final illness, his faith strengthened and he shared it with our visitors. The way he accepted his passing gave me peace, strength and hope for the future. 


            Happy anniversary, Alan. 

Love you. 


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