Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Galatians 6:9-10 (NIV)
Vases of flowers filled my counter at Valentines Day. The bouquets went to friends in my community.
Later, I bought more flowers for friends who lived farther away. At the library where I volunteered, two friends received daises and roses. When another lady didn’t show up that day, the gift needed another home.
As I carried the yellow mums to the car, I knew who it would be. My friend, Sallie, and I often head to Culvers after working at the library. We had talked to a lady who worked there.
A few months earlier when the restaurant was almost empty, we shared our stories. That day she didn’t smile like she normally did. I could tell something was bothering her.
“This is the anniversary of when my husband passed away,” she said. I understood and told her of my journey of grief.
“I will pray for you,” I said when I gave her a copy of my book about grief.
At Christmas, my granddaughter, Molly, and I took her some homemade cookies. Every time I visited, I looked for her.
That day, I walked around looking for the elusive worker. She was looking for me to give me my order.
“These are for you.” Her smile widened when I handed her the yellow flowers. “Yellow is my favorite color. Thank you so much.”
While Sallie and I ate, the grateful lady kept stopping to thank me and see if there was anything we needed.
As we were eating our custard, she returned. “The flowers are beautiful,” she said. With her hand over her heart, she continued. “But you noticed me. You thought of me. I wasn’t just a lady cleaning tables.”
Her words touched my heart. I wanted to make her smile with the flowers but the gesture went much deeper.
Even though I often talk to people who serve me in the community at stores, doctor offices…, many times I am in a hurry or distracted. They probably feel invisible.
Her heartfelt words taught me that small acts of kindness make a difference. To love and serve like Jesus, we need to be aware of those around us. A kind word, smile or vase of flowers might change someone’s day.
I had no idea she would be getting my third bouquet that day but the Holy Spirit nudged me to give it to her. I am thankful I listened.
Loving Father, help us notice those who may be feeling lonely and unappreciated. Guide us and teach us to love others.