Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Alone at the Lodge


Mountains rose in the distance as I sat on the deck of the lodge. Rabbits scampered across the lawn. A doe and her fawn emerged from the forest and into the clearing before sprinting away. 

            Unfamiliar bird songs drifted through the trees. A cardinal darted back and forth. Sunlight gleamed through the woods. 

            The splendid scenery captivated me on my first morning at Young Life’s camp at Sharptop Cove in Georgia. The peaceful retreat soothed me and calmed my soul. Away from the chaos of the world, I relaxed in the serene oasis. 

            Although I was a host for adult guests, a last-minute cancellation meant I was alone for two days before other attendees arrived. At first, I was a little disappointed at being by myself in the spacious, wooden lodge but realized the solitude was a gift.

            With my retreat high above the rest of the camp and before campers ventured outside, silence enfolded me. My time with God gave me an opportunity to meditate and explore my feelings of grief. 

            Sadness had come at my daughter Susie’s death weeks earlier. But I hadn’t fully grieved. Being alone in God’s exquisite creation gave me time to think about Susie. 

            Grief for her began years earlier when poor choices took her into drugs and a turbulent life. I grieved for the normal life she didn’t have and how it affected her family. I longed for a daughter who came to dinner and was part of our family. But that stopped many years ago.

            Visits with her in the final years occurred mostly when she was in the hospital. She would call to tell me where she was and I would go see her. In the last few months, she read the Bible I took to her. She asked for prayers for drug addictions to stop for her daughter and herself. Tears came as she spoke. 

Friends talked with her about Jesus, and we all believed she knew Him even though her lifestyle had not changed. Those conversations came to mind. 

After she entered hospice care, my friend, Sallie, joined me for a visit. Susie thrashed in her bed but didn’t talk to us. As we played Christian songs, she relaxed and hummed along. When Sallie read Scripture and prayed, Susie calmly listened. Peace entered the room and comforted us. 

The tranquility of my mountain retreat helped me process the last times with Susie. God’s peace filled me again. Tears sprinkled down my face but not intense grief. Instead, joy filled me as I knew Susie was released from a life of uncertainty, pain and turmoil into peacefulness with Jesus. 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

Loving Father, your love and comfort surround us and take away the pain of this world. This is not our home and we look forward to being with You in heaven.


Saturday, July 1, 2023

My Bibles

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10 (NIV)

Bibles filled a shelf in my office. Over the years the collection of various versions had grown from one to many. 

            Each New Year’s Day, I select a copy to use throughout the coming year. Underlined verses and notes remind me of what I was going through when I used a particular Bible. Words of thankfulness, sadness and grief often accompany highlighted Scripture that offered peace, comfort and instruction. 

            As I read the notes, memories of past events and God’s promises, faithfulness and provision filled my mind. Wonder overflowed at how He protected me in dire circumstances. When I thought problems were too big, God made a way through. 

            At the start of this year, I chose The Voice and looked forward to the easily understood version. However, as I opened it, pages started slipping out. I stuck them back in and every day more and more would come loose. As the year progressed, handfuls of Scripture tried to escape every time I opened the Bible. 

            What should I do? I liked that version and reading the journal of my life written inside. If I bought a new one, my notes and underlining would be lost. 

            As I pondered options, I thought of my other Bibles. A copy of the King James was the first one when I was in fourth grade. At school, if we sold a certain number of greeting cards, we received a Bible. For years that was my only Bible and the version used at my church. I memorized Psalm 23 and other Scriptures from the King James while in elementary school. Those verses remain firmly in my mind. 

            Around fifty years ago, I added a newer version of the Bible which was easier to follow. Gradually, a more extensive collection began with a study Bible, a small paperback for traveling, and some with a more contemporary language.  After my dad passed away, I inherited his study Bible which was different from mine. 

            When I write devotionals, compares versions so I can determine the best one for each writing. Online Bibles also provide convenience and availability for people around the world. 

            How thankful I am to live in a country where Bibles are openly sold and anyone can have one without concern of being persecuted. 

            As I try to figure out what to do with my damaged Bible, stories come to mind of Christians around the world who would be grateful for any printed Scripture to study. Some churches have one copy for the whole church. In one community, each church member had one page of the Bible. Millions might be arrested for having even a page of God’s Word. 

            Hidden Bibles protect Christians from being imprisoned as they study and treasure the holy book. Arrests and imprisonments occur when governments forbid the possession of Bibles and think they can eliminate Christianity.  

            What a precious blessing to have one or multiple copies of the Bible. Unfortunately, a great number of people neglect to open the gift which can change lives. 

Loving Father, the Bible is a cherished gift given to us. Lead us to study, learn and teach from it. Open hearts and minds to your inspired Word. 
