Saturday, June 24, 2023

Be a Duck

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

Movement caught my eye. A pair of mallard ducks waddled from the lake onto my lawn. They traveled through one flower bed and then into another one. 

            They stopped in the grass. Their heads swiveled one way and then the next in unison. Tail feathers wiggled while the rest of their small bodies remained still. Stubby, orange legs, almost hidden in the grass, propelled them. 

            I often observed them form tiny waves on the mirrored lake as they gracefully glided from shore to shore. But rarely did they visit my yard. Never had I seen them so close to my house. 

            I tiptoed to the screen for a better look. The nondescript female led the brightly colored male as they left. A few minutes later, they reappeared from the opposite side of my home. 

            They didn’t search for tasty morsels in the grass but waddled back and forth. Then they returned to the lake. 

            In the water, they swim artistically and easily because they were created for water. However, on land they move awkwardly on their short legs and webbed feet. 

            No matter how they might try, they will never walk elegantly like an egret or soar like an eagle. They won’t sing like a meadowlark or catch fish like a heron. God designed them to excel on water. 

            Likewise, we need to embrace the gifts and talents given to us by God. Follow His path for us. 

            Don’t try to soar like an eagle if you are a duck. 

God made you as you are in order to use you as he planned.

S.C. McAuley

Creator, thank you for making us unique with a special plan. Help us accept our gifts and talents so we don’t strive to be like someone else. Guide us each day in the way we should go.



Wednesday, June 21, 2023

No Hoped for Sunrise

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

Cool breezes caressed my face and arms when I stepped onto the patio. After days of sweltering heat, it was a welcome surprise. 

            Tints of pink edged clouds emerging from darkness. Behind the forest across the lake, rosy blushes peeked through the trees. 

            I looked forward to a glorious sunrise as I read God’s Word. A few minutes later I looked up to see the anticipated spectacle. But it didn’t appear. 

            Clouds formed a gray curtain over the sky. Wind rustled tree limbs. Waves ran over the lake. Raindrops pattered on the roof and drenched the grass. 

            A turkey waddled across the lawn. Trees swayed as breezes turned into gales. Frogs croaked but no bird songs rang through the air. My hoped for sunrise didn’t occur. 

            Even though I didn’t get what I expected, our area needed rain. There was an unexpected peacefulness in the cool, rainy morning. I pondered the trials I have been facing and the numerous problems of many friends as I experienced an extended time of reading Scripture and praying.

            We often pray for God to give what we want but frequently, He creates an even better plan. Instead of lamenting that our requests are not fulfilled, we need to give thanks and embrace the opportunities.

Loving Father, even in the grayness of life we have opportunities to be thankful. We can accept the changes and embrace what God has for us.


Monday, June 12, 2023

Fleeting Spendors

Splashes of pink dotted the dim, dawn sky. The incredible beauty touched my grieving heart. 

            While I concentrated on my writing, the morning sky changed. Pale blue replaced the mauve. The magnificence of the dawn sky remained only in my mind.

            The previous evening I watched the sky dim and darken as a mass of pink tinged the blue-gray billows which swept from west to east. At first glance, the clouds appeared to be motionless. But while I stared at the clouds, they shifted. Little by little the scene changed as huge clouds moved on. Darkness overcame the light.

            In both cases, the splendor of the sky filled my heart and mind but the display quickly faded away. 

            While I watched the brief sunrise, I wondered if my daughter Susie was watching the sunrise from heaven. Was her new home so indescribably magnificent that she wouldn’t notice our tiny slice of beauty? 

             Life is like the fleeting sunrise and sunset. Brilliant for a time and then gone. Each day we should strive to make a difference in some way. Even lovingly performed simple deeds can change lives, offer comfort and encourage others. 

            When we accept Jesus, follow His teachings and become more like Him, we will leave a legacy here and then be with Him in heaven. 

“Eternal One, let me understand my end and how brief my earthly existence is; help me realize my life is fleeting. You have determined the length of my days and my life is nothing compared to You. Even the longest life is only a breath.”In truth, each of us journeys through life like a shadow. We busy ourselves accomplishing nothing, piling up assets we can never keep. We can’t even know who will end up with those things.

Psalm 39:4-6 (The Voice)


Heavenly Creator, the splendor of creation thrills us and leads us to You. Help us to follow Jesus here on earth so we can leave a lasting legacy and be with You in heaven. Amen