Wednesday, June 21, 2023

No Hoped for Sunrise

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

Cool breezes caressed my face and arms when I stepped onto the patio. After days of sweltering heat, it was a welcome surprise. 

            Tints of pink edged clouds emerging from darkness. Behind the forest across the lake, rosy blushes peeked through the trees. 

            I looked forward to a glorious sunrise as I read God’s Word. A few minutes later I looked up to see the anticipated spectacle. But it didn’t appear. 

            Clouds formed a gray curtain over the sky. Wind rustled tree limbs. Waves ran over the lake. Raindrops pattered on the roof and drenched the grass. 

            A turkey waddled across the lawn. Trees swayed as breezes turned into gales. Frogs croaked but no bird songs rang through the air. My hoped for sunrise didn’t occur. 

            Even though I didn’t get what I expected, our area needed rain. There was an unexpected peacefulness in the cool, rainy morning. I pondered the trials I have been facing and the numerous problems of many friends as I experienced an extended time of reading Scripture and praying.

            We often pray for God to give what we want but frequently, He creates an even better plan. Instead of lamenting that our requests are not fulfilled, we need to give thanks and embrace the opportunities.

Loving Father, even in the grayness of life we have opportunities to be thankful. We can accept the changes and embrace what God has for us.


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