Wednesday, February 19, 2025

An Unconnected Loner

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

On my daily walk, I noticed a sandhill crane by the sidewalk. The stately gray birds frequent my neighborhood but that one was unusual. Instead of walking the streets with a mate and two youngsters, it was alone.

            Each spring pairs of cranes stroll our streets with two offspring since both parents care for their young. After hatching, the babes resemble fluffy ducklings. Soon their legs lengthen and they become more like their parents in color and size. 

            Parents teach them to root in the grass for food. The foursomes roam and provide joy to residents. Cars and bikes stop to allow them to cross streets or at times, to linger in the roadways. 

            With identical coloring, I couldn’t tell if the solitary crane was a male or female. Every time I saw it, I scanned the area for other companions. Unfortunately, none appeared. The offspring would have matured and taken off. Since sandhill cranes mate for life, its partner must have died. The single bird was totally alone. 

            The bird searched for food but appeared downcast. No sound. No flapping of wings or looking around. Just trying to survive. 

            I can understand the devastation of losing a loving spouse. A partner is gone. Missing. A part of the heart is ripped out.

            But thankfully, we aren’t alone if we believe in Jesus. He holds us tightly and gives peace. Strength comes when we feel we have none. 

            God often sends people into our lives to offer comfort, companionship and friendship. Some become special friends and others may become new partners who all ease the loneliness. 

            The sad bird reminds me of how grateful I am for how God has continued to provide for me. Because of my own grief, I can comfort those who mourn. My faith has grown during my times of solitude. 

Father, you give us what we need during our periods of loneliness, grief and pain. But you don’t leave us alone in our challenges.



Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wipe the Slate Clean

This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope.

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:21-23 (NKJV)

Darkness covered the lake like a slate blackboard as snatches of light peeped behind the trees. 

            After dusk, night had overtaken day. But morning wiped the slate clean like an eraser on an old-fashioned blackboard. 

            A pink sunrise signaled dawn. Birds joined together in joyful songs. 

God brings new beginnings every morning. We have choices to make. Rehashing hurts and problems of the past bring unnecessary misery. Looking forward to opportunities and being thankful yields peace and joy.

            Wake up to a thankful heart. Practice gratitude to God for our blessings. Thank and encourage people near and far.  Receive guidance, peace and encouragement from reading the Bible daily. Listen to uplifting music. Use your gifts. Serve others. 

            Everyone faces difficulties but staying focused on God helps us get through our trials. 

Loving Father, like night turning to day, you wipe our slates clean too. Your mercies are new every morning. Thank you for not giving up on us.
