Monday, April 30, 2012

Message from the Sea

Bundled in a robe, I sat on our balcony. Below me, gentle waves wrinkled the ocean. My head bowed. I tried to pray, but my mind wandered. Listen. Waves sang a song of crescendos and decrescendos. A constant rhythm sounded as the ship sliced through the water. With many activities onboard, I had blocked out the sounds of the waves which became only comfortable background noise. Easy to ignore. I’ve done the same thing with God’s voice. Familiar. Comforting. But easy to ignore in favor of louder, more insistent problems and activities. The gentle sway of the ship, soothing waves, and endless expanse reminded me of God. He holds, rocks, and whispers. My part is to listen. Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise. Dear Lord, help me be quiet and listen to your still, small voice. Amen

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