Monday, April 16, 2012

Where Did They Go?

A week passed. Each day I searched the lake. Mallards skimmed the water. Brown and white ducks paraded by. A black duck waddled to the feeder. But the large, white mother duck had disappeared.

Even with the telescope, there was no evidence of her or her brood. Eggshells and errant feathers that littered the area near her nest had vanished too. Nothing remained but memories.

I yearned to watch the growth of the ducklings and laugh at their antics. That didn’t happen. I hoped they found residence somewhere on the lake in a safe, sheltered spot. They didn’t leave an address or even wave goodbye.

Over the years, people have enriched my life and left much as the ducks did. Circumstances disrupt. Lives change. People move on. Some are left behind.

It is easy to lament the changes and yearn for what is gone. Perhaps a spouse, children, friends, health, jobs, money, prestige ...

Living in the past and bewailing what is lost, prevents enjoying the present and looking forward to the future. Nothing will be exactly the same, but opportunities come to replace what has been taken. Each person has special gifts and a purpose to be fulfilled.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your path.” Proverbs3:5-6

Dear Lord, help us accept changes and open our eyes to opportunities. Amen

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