Thursday, March 1, 2018

Daily Gifts

In awe, I stared and stared. From a barely visible tinge of pink, the sunrise exploded into a blaze of mauve, blue, and white as a backdrop for shadowy pines. The sky’s brilliant display painted its reflection on the tranquil lake. 

The dawn’s gift brought me joy and thankfulness. As I watched the silent show, I prayed. 

Even though I hoped for an extended performance, within minutes the masterpiece dimmed and disappeared. No traces remained except in my memories. My precious moment would never be exactly replicated. 

My eyes looked up again from my journal. A male turkey moved in on soundless feet. His feathers spread into an exquisite fan only a few feet from my patio. Within seconds, his finery closed into a mundane brown body. 

During my morning devotional time, I witnessed two of God’s astonishing creations. Though vastly different both were breathtaking and fleeting. 

As I age, I have learned to stop and notice gifts around me. I see them in the beauty of nature. Playing with a grandchild. Listening to a friend. Noticing the intricacies of a flower...

Each day offers endless gifts. However, many remain unopened. 

Dear Lord, open my eyes and heart to all the gifts around me. Amen.

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