Thursday, March 5, 2020

Uninvited Isolation

Coughing. Sniffling. Fatigue. For days, I shuffled from my bed to the couch and wrapped myself in a warm, fuzzy blanket. 

            My exercise was to drag myself to the kitchen for water and return to the couch. 

            Old TV shows like Concentration, Colombo, Password, and  McHale’s Navy entertained me. Books and magazines provided companionship. 

            Except for visiting my doctor, my only trips outside were to check for mail and retrieve the garbage can.  

            Every day, I hoped my ordeal would end. Instead, I cancelled activities I really wanted to attend like an Amy Grant concert, Bible study, Emily’s archery competition, Molly’s softball game, church service, a friend’s birthday lunch, a neighborhood get together… 

            At first, the cancellations bothered me a lot. But then, my misery lessened. Friends brought soup and left cold remedies at my door. Many neighbors offered to pick up food when they went out. One got my medication at Publix. 

            Each day emails and text messages kept me company as friends and family checked on me. Prayers were offered. 
Even isolated at home, I didn’t feel totally alone. 

            Although I regretted missing so much, I was thankful. The bronchitis and fatigue would fade and my normally busy life would resume. 

Thankful for: 
A warm, comfortable home 
Clean water to keep me hydrated
Food in my refrigerator
Electricity for lights, TV and computer
Neighbors bringing food and medicines
Phone to get text messages from family and friends

            I thought of those with terminal illnesses who would never be well. People in nursing homes who have lost independence. Residents in Tennessee who lost homes and loved ones in the recent tornadoes. Millions around the world who are hungry, cold, discouraged and live in fear. 

            My temporary illness and isolation helped me see how blessed I am. 

(Whenever we’re sick and in bed, God becomes our nurse. Nurses us back to health. Psalm 41:3 The Message)

Heavenly Father, thank you for all of my blessings. Encourage and strengthen those around the world who face obstacles. Help them know the love of Jesus. Amen


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