Sunday, March 29, 2020

Unobserved Treasures

Unopened buds caught my attention this morning. When I turned the wooden plant tower so the orchid would be more visible to me, additional buds showed up. 

            Three orchids prepared to bloom. Even more astounding was my smallest plant with a miniature, purple flower. Rows of buds joined it. 

            Every day I passed the plant tower without really looking at it. From my favorite chair a few feet away, I read my Bible and daily devotionals. I soaked in the beauty of sunrises, garden flowers, and a multitude of wildlife. 

            As calming and incredible as all of that was, I had missed the treasures close to me. I watered the plants each week and occasionally added fertilizer. But after the routine care, I mostly ignored them. 

            However, with the flowering orchids facing me, I will enjoy the loveliness of the flowers and anticipate additional ones. 

            During our time of coronavirus isolation, lives have changed. For most of us, life has slowed down which gives us time to notice and fully appreciate blessings nearby. Busy schedules may have caused then to be overlooked like my blossoming plants. 

            During this time, I have talked to many friends instead of texting. Joined neighbors on the sidewalk to visit. I have worked in my yard and watched butterflies. Observed a pair of eagles with neighbors. Done long neglected crafts. Read more books and watched educational shows on TV. Danced to country music for exercise. Sent cards for encouragement to those who are even more isolated than I am. 

            What treasures have you rediscovered? Let me know. 

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1Thessalonians 5: 16-18 NIV) 

Loving Father, thank you for the blessings you give to us both small and huge. Help us not miss them. Amen

1 comment:

  1. I've been admiring and patiently waiting on my orchids too. They were dying in the heat'been really hot in FL these days. I moved them by my kitchen sink and they are rebounding. No blooms but one bud. There is hope.

    I have enjoyed the slower pace. I could use some prayers about an hour I will log on to do my first virtual speech therapy session with a little girl who has autism. Five kids through this day will be online with me. Pray request: for patience on both ends...for engagement for the full 30 minutes of our time, and for grateful hearts at this time that our own kids and the kids I serve return to a new style of learning today in central FL!
    Enjoy your day!
