Thursday, January 19, 2012

Too Late for The Senator

Caw! Caw! Perched at the top of the highest limb, an annoying blackbird squawked at the world. Silhouetted against the pale dawn sky, a cardinal hopped from branch to branch. A tangle of leafless limbs and branches towered over the other trees. Gray, Spanish moss dangled like an old timers’ beard. A frisky squirrel played hide and seek in the fluttering moss.

Nothing about the bare tree was attractive. But my eyes were drawn to its tall, skinny slightly curved trunk set amidst a clump of smaller trees. Winter starkness contrasted with surrounding greenery. 

Like an old woman the gray shawl protected her from the cold. Her height showed longevity but she didn’t reveal her age. Clumps of cypress knees knelt at her feet waiting to hear decades of stories.

My stately cypress made me think of the recent tragedy of The Senator. For 3,500 years, he lived in Central Florida. Surpassing all but four other trees in the United States, his long life spanned a huge chunk of history.

Wildlife lived and played in his branches. Throngs of people rested and picnicked within his shade. He was nature’s tourist attraction long before Disney.

Though partially damaged years ago, the gigantic tree lived through natural hardships of rain, drought, winds, hurricanes, and even avoided bulldozers. Surrounding him a serene park offered a place of peace in the midst of a hectic world. 

However, his old bones couldn’t fight off the ravages of an intense fire. For hours he burned as firefighters valiantly fought to save him. Dragging hundreds of feet of hoses and dropping water from helicopters didn’t stop the fire. With his strength sapped, he toppled. Leaving only a charred stump, the proud Senator crumpled. 

Conflicting theories try to prove the cause of the fire. Was it lightning, internal friction, a campfire or arson? Investigations continue. Maybe the cause will never be known. Unfortunately, the natural treasure will never be replaced.

Miss Liberty, over 2,000 years old herself, laments the demise of her companion.   Will she be next? 

The loss of The Senator and watching my own cypress remind me to love and appreciate the treasures around me. No one knows when they will be gone.

Ecclesiates 11: 7-8   “... Even if you live a long time, don’t take a single day for granted. Take delight in each light filled hour remembering that there will be many dark days...” The Message

Creator, thank you for your creation. Help me to see and appreciate each blessing in my life. Changes come, often unexpectedly.  Amen

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