Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Rousing Concert

Red, white, and blue streamed down the hall and into the auditorium seats. On stage, dressed in white shirts, black pants, and striped patriotic ties, the mostly gray headed musicians waited expectantly for the conductor to step to the podium. 
Over one hundred seniors combined their talents for a grand salute to the USA. To begin the concert, hundreds of voices burst forth to join the band and sing the Star Spangled Banner proudly. 
A pair of narrators took turns sharing interesting stories about each musical piece. Likewise, co-conductors alternated the responsibilities of leading the band. 
Heads swayed, toes tapped, and hands clapped in time to the music. Familiar tunes swept the audience back to simpler times. Upbeat music entertained and energized the aging crowd. Patriotism flowed, and smiles grew. 
The historical journey began with the Declaration of Independence, through the Civil War, onto the songs of the 1900’s and ended with God Bless America. Hymns, marches, and classical pieces-many in medleys-kept hearts pounding and minds singing. 
Near the end of the program, the Armed Forces Salute brought men and women to their feet. As each service song was played, veterans stood proudly to continuing applause. The years turned hair white, dimmed eyes, and diminished energy, but the love for America remained.
Those standing had sacrificed much for the US. Thousands of others never had the opportunity to return for a formal salute. Some returned injured and dejected unsure if their sacrifices even mattered to anyone. All around the world thousands continue that task.
For over two hundred years, people have served and sacrificed so that America can remain strong and offer freedom. Let us not forget or take for granted the rights, privileges, and responsibilities that we have.
God bless America. 

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