Sunday, January 20, 2013

Where is the Sunrise?

Blackness concealed the lake. I settled into my wicker rocker on the patio for my morning devotions. Calmness engulfed me. 

Bits of light peaked between the trees. Beautiful bird melodies woke the wildlife. The tiny soloist led a chorus of lovely refrains from around the lake. 

Light gradually revealed my garden and surrounding woods along the water. Ducks flew in formation across the pale, cloudless sky. I awaited another spectacular sunrise, but no pink painted the sky or lake.  

My disappointment brought insight. Without clouds, there would be no majestic display. 

Clouds have filled my life the last few months. Devastating, disturbing, and unwelcome intrusions caused trials and problems. However, those situations brought unexpected blessings. Scripture and prayers brought comfort and uplifted me. An outpouring of love and compassion gave comfort and encouragement. Strength and peace kept me from sinking. Laughter joined sorrow. Music and books created a retreat. 

Without clouds, sunrises aren’t as glorious. Without pain and problems, blessings aren’t as plentiful. 

When you face stormy seas, I will be there with you with endurance and calm: you will not be engulfed in raging rivers. If it seems like you’re walking through fire with flames licking at your limbs, keep going; you won’t be burned. Because I, the Eternal One, am your God. I am the way of Israel, and I will save you. Isaiah 43:2-3 (The Voice)

Heavenly Father, thank you for walking with me through the trials. Amen

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