Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Little Pine Cone

 A gray scarf draped itself across the morning sky. Yesterday’s rain swept
away unsightly algae and fallen leaves from the lake.

 Birds whistled good morning. Grass and trees sparkled when tiny streams of
sunlight broke through the clouds.

 Pine trees stretched limbs upward. New growth pointed skyward like candles
on a birthday cake. Dark ovals hung haphazardly among the dark green
needles. One golden brown pine cone glittered even when the sun disappeared.

 The small cone defied the clouds and glowed in its muted surroundings.
Somehow from the dreary morning, it found a gleam of light. Its contrast to
the rest of the tree astounded and encouraged me.

 For several days, I have watched the bronze pine cone. Each day it shines
and clings tightly even when wind batters the tree.

 Troubles, disappointments, and pain overwhelm and can cause
discouragement. But when holding tightly to Jesus, He provides support and
strength. His light shines through as a beacon to others.

 *All praise goes to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Annointed One.
He is the Father of Compassion, the God of all comfort. He consoles us as
we endure the pain and hardship of life so that we may draw from His
comfort and share it with others in their own struggles. 2 Corinthians
1:3-4 (The Voice) 

*Comforter, hold us to you so that we can endure the trials of this life.

*Please continue to pray for my parents. Mother has had more issues the
last day which we hope is'n't C-diff again. Even when she isn't feeling
great, her attitude is good.

*Dad started the hyperbaric chamber sessions this week which can last for 6
weeks. He goes 5 days a week and hopes it will help him heal. He is having
trouble adjusting to a different, less active lifestyle.*

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