Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Way to Heaven

“Do not be afraid or discouraged. The Lord is with you always. I love you.”

Those words have played over and over in my mind the last two days. How comforting they have been as I have shared with friends and family. Alan’s final words to me showed his deep faith and reassured me that God would be with me during my time of grief and beyond. 

Though we knew his disease was progressing, his passing early Saturday morning was a complete shock. Thursday and Friday he struggled to breathe and needed medication to help him.

In spite of the difficulties of breathing, with a raspy voice, he shared with three of my friends on Friday afternoon about his faith and radiated the love of Christ joyously. 

When he wasn’t too exhausted, he loved sharing God’s words with visitors. He prayed for wisdom before each visit and asked for the right words. Though tethered to an oxygen line, his spirit remained strong as his body weakened. His messages were powerful.

His peace about his upcoming death never wavered. Even when he reminisced about playing racquet ball and being strong, he was never angry or bitter about his condition. 

The graceful way he handled dying was a gift to me and those around him. The peace he received enveloped me, and I pray will comfort our friends and family.

His celebration of life service will be at 4pm on January 21 at Northland Church in Longwood, FL.  


  1. Although we never had a chance to personally meet Alan, his faith resonates with us all. Such an amazing gift he has given you and your family in his complete trust in God. I've been thinking about this since we heard the news yesterday and it is just the encouragement I need to continue giving it all to God. Thank you for your journal entries. It may not seem like much, but they are very powerful. Continued prayers for you.

  2. Jennifer, thank you so much. It means so much to me to know my writing touches people. Alan always told me I was reaching so many. I want to continue to share like he did.
