We are confident that God is able to
orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live
according to His plan. (Romans 8:28 The Voice)
Pink, purple, white, and yellow
blooms adorned my yard. After the dreariness of winter, their presence signaled
the arrival of spring.
As I washed layers of yellow pollen
off plant leaves on my patio, a surprise greeted me. For two years, my
Christmas cacti remained flowerless. But as I washed off pollen, pink blooms
peered out all over both plants. Their timing baffled but thrilled me.
Why had they not bloomed in
December? Why did they both decide to burst forth at the same time? Why now?
Just outside my patio door, Easter
lilies, plump with expectation, were ready to pop open with white blossoms. All
of the plants should be open my Easter. What a blessing to have Easter lilies
and Christmas cacti flowering at the same time to celebrate Jesus’ birth and
The unusual occurrence reminded me
that our lives don’t follow a predictable path either. We plan and think we
know how things should turn out. Then we are shocked at the altered journey.
Only God knows the path He has
planned for us and how each situation will be used. As Christians, we know that
God uses all things for our good when we call on Him.
I almost got rid of my bloomless
Christmas cacti but what a blessing I would have missed. Be patient and wait on
Heavenly Father, thank you for the
surprises in our lives. Help us to be patient for what you have planned. Amen
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