Thursday, October 3, 2024

Frenzied Dragonflies

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

John 14:17 (NIV)

Sunlight shimmered on the mirrored lake. Dragonflies darted in a frenzy near the shore, up to the trees and then out across the water. Individually and in small groups they rose, dipped and circled but never rested. 

            Cardinals perched in my oak tree and chirped a greeting to the dawn. 

A pair of unseen birds played a game of rhythmic follow the leader. One would utter a specific tone and rhythm which was repeated exactly the same way from across the lake. For several minutes, they continued their back-and-forth joyful patterns.   

After I completed my morning devotional time, the peacefulness of the lake held me captive. Instead of rushing inside to start my day of tasks, I delighted in the beauty before me. I thanked God for my home, the lake, safety from the hurricane and the wonder of perfectly created flowers and trees.  

Too often, I am like the frantic dragonflies who hurry from place to place and miss the beauty and peace around me. It is easy to ignore the blessings when I focus on the problems. 

My yard isn’t perfect but I can overlook dying leaves, algae on the lake and bare spots of grass to appreciate the splendor of my retreat.  

Eventually, I have to leave the tranquil sanctuary to return to the reality of normal life with its ups and downs. However, I will try to remember the lessons of looking for God in the messiness of life. 

God of Peace, show us how to slow down and appreciate all you have given us. Your peace comes even in difficult situations.



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