Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dismal Tomato Plant

Psalm 119: 37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things; renew my life according to your word.

Once again, I attempted to produce an abundant tomato crop. Following instructions from the local, media gardener, I selected a cherry tomato plant. With a new pot, fresh potting soil, and daily waterings, I thought success would be accomplished.
Leaves flourished. The green plant inched up the wooden stake. Yellow blooms developed. My confidence grew and with plans for the anticipated bounty.
During our recent mission trip, my friend, Bonnie, agreed to babysit my burgeoning plant. Her green thumb is much greener than mine so I knew it was in good hands.
A glass jar stood at our door when we arrived at home. Ugly, black blobs had collapsed on the bottom. My first thought was that the strange creatures had feasted on our grass and someone had left them to show us.
An email from Bonnie stated that there was a story about my tomato plant.
In my small herb garden, a regular tomato plant, with one red tomato, had crumpled to the ground. I assumed her message was about that incident.
I was wrong. She explained that my cherry tomato plant thrived when we first left. One afternoon she noticed the top half stripped of foliage. She and her husband Wells carefully yanked off the disgusting worms before the plant was totally decimated. Their quick action saved it. The jar held the repulsive critters so we could see the perpetrators.
With stick like protrusions on top and full foliage at the bottom, my poor plant was quite a sight. Bonnie felt badly, but I knew it was just another blimp in my often unsuccessful farming career.
The plant returned home. Basking in the sun with daily waterings produced an unexpected result. The stripped portion of the plant became lush and green. The healthy section turned brown and withered. What a surprise!
People can be like my unfortunate tomato plant. Rotten attitudes, unforgiveness, pride, prejudice, self righteousness ... need to be stripped away. After the apparent destruction, growth occurs and a full life is restored. When problems are covered up and denied, lives fade and wither. Though the process of stripping seems harmful, the end result produces new life.

Father, take away the unhealthy portions and replace with a new creation. Amen

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