Monday, March 31, 2014

Moving On

2 Corinthians 1:2-4 May the grace and peace from God our Father and the the Lord Jesus the Anointed One, surround you. He is the Father of Compassion, the God of all comfort. He consoles us as we endure the pain and hardship of life so that we may draw from His comfort and share it with others in their own struggles. The Voice

A tiny rose patch glowed between the pines. Within seconds, a giant paintbrush tinted the eastern sky with pink and blue. A ball of fire blazed behind the forest along the shoreline. Reflections shimmered on the dark lake. Birds twittered. 

As I watched the spectacular display, I thought of the recent deaths of Alan and my dad. The sunrise enfolded me in my pain. It offered hope and comfort for my continuing journey. 

I wondered. Did they see my sunrise? Are they watching me?

Clouds dissipated. A yellowish-white glow replaced pink and blue in the ever changing sky. The colors were different but still lovely.

My life constantly changes too. Loved ones and friends come and go. Little stays the same. 

I can’t stop the progression of life. If I resist and desperately hang on to the past, I will be miserable. My other choice is to accept and adapt to my new life so I can move on. 

Even as he was dying, Alan prepared me for life without him. I wanted to pretend he would get better and didn’t want to go through files, update accounts with only my name, and watch him give away his clothes and special mementos. But he wanted to make life as easy as he could for me after he was gone. 

His desire was for me to continue living and serving. Each day I think of Alan and my dad and how they touched lives. Both left a legacy that remains a vital part of my life.

Loving Father, thank you for those you put in my life who nurtured and loved me. Help me to spread their legacies as I move on. Amen

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