Thursday, July 6, 2017

Hidden in Plain View

My the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us, establish the work of our hands for us-yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalm 90:17 NIV)

            By moving to a different chair on my patio, the view gave me a new perspective of the lake and shoreline. I gazed at familiar and less familiar trees from a different angle.

            The bee I watched each morning was closer so I could see his wings vibrate as he pulled nectar from orange flowers. Several smaller bees foraged for pollen on purple and pink flowers.

            My nearby crepe myrtle, though not yet blooming, received a hovering humming bird for a few seconds before it zoomed away.

            A scarlet cardinal flew from oak to cypress tree and back. His golden mate joined him as they soared across the lake.

            Dragonflies zoomed above the peaceful lake and water plants.

            Tiny insects glistened in the sunlight as they swirled in an erratic column. There didn’t appear to be a pattern or purpose to their frenzy.

            The creatures with the variety of wings, size, and movements enthralled me. Each one had a place in God’s creation. With a brief glance, I would have missed most of them and failed to appreciate the wonder and beauty of them all. Only when I sat quietly and watched intently did I fully see.

            Even the teeny gnats fascinated me with their energy but would normally be overlooked.

            As I stared at the teeny gnats, I thought of people who are hidden in the world. Physically, they are near but often overlooked. At church, lonely, discouraged worshipers could be sitting near me. Desperate patients might be joining me in the doctor’s waiting room. A neighbor might be longing for someone to call. A friend might be hurting behind a text or email. All feeling lonely and forgotten.

            Like the flying creatures in my yard that fascinated me when I took time to really look, I want to really see those around me clearly from God’s perspective. Then I can serve them with His love.

Father, thank you for continuing to teach me with your creation. Help me to see those who need your love. Amen

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