Saturday, October 1, 2022

Courage Not Fear in the Storm

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever,For in Yah, the Lord, is [b]everlasting strength.

Isaiah 26:3-4 (NKJV)

Through a break in the trees, a beam of sunlight glowed from shore to shore on the dark lake. In the cool dawn, little clouds formed over the water and swirled along the light. 

            As the sun traveled toward the tree tops, an arc of sunbeams joined the dancing mist. The unusual phenomenon captured my attention. 

            Dewdrops glittered on my flowers. Overhead wispy white clouds painted an azure sky. After days of gray clouds, I stared at the gorgeous spectacle. 

            Then the sun exposed another surprise. An expansive spider web hung from the lower limbs of a tall bald cypress standing on the shore. When I walked across the water-logged lawn, the grass squished with each step. One day earlier, that area had been part of the lake.  

            What an incredible sight! For days constant winds lashed limbs back and forth. Unrelenting rain hammered our state, as the gigantic hurricane inched its way to the north. Despite ferocious weather, the spider web clutched tightly. 

            The intricate design had several holes but the form remained intact. Strong threads held it securely at the top and bottom. Later in the day, I saw a black and orange spider nestled within the web. 

            In the aftermath of the disastrous hurricane, what do we attach ourselves to? For many people, material possessions vanished or were damaged. Loved ones gone. Homes lost. Cars totaled. Prized belongings destroyed. 

            Everyone, those who endured the storm and those who worried about us, suffered in some way. Perhaps worldly goods remained intact but anxiety, fear, or apprehension took over. Uncertainty about the future brought trepidation. 

            If God can create spiders who form unyielding webs, He can make strong, courageous people to withstand the storms of life. It isn’t easy but possible with Jesus. 

Loving Father, thank you for being with us in our storms. Some come from the weather. Others come from difficult situations around us and also from within. However, You give us peace and strength for whatever we face. Amen           


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