Friday, July 12, 2013

Remaining Peaceful Out of the Sanctuary

Mounds of deep purple crepe myrtles dominated my garden. Blooms of Mexican petunias sprinkled color near the lake. Sunlight illuminated the bright blue sky. 

Cardinals chirped. Crickets played their songs. Under a tree, a white duck preened. Lizards raced up the screen. The mirrored lake reflected peaceful scenes from the shore. Calmness and tranquility surrounded me. 

If only I could remain secluded from discord, conflict, and hostility of the world. Especially today. On the other side of town, miles away a trial ends. The world has watched, formed opinions, and taken sides. 

On that horrible night months ago, lives were shattered. Hearts broken. Nothing can erase the pain and consequences of that event.

For days and days, the jury listened intently. Today they begin deliberations to make an extremely, difficult decision. The world waits.

Throughout the trial, Sanford has remained calm--despite the influx of media and outside groups. Police, pastors, and ordinary citizens have come together to bring peace and further understanding. 

When the verdict is announced, no one will win. Too many lives have been shattered. Life will go on but much differently.

I pray that the jurors have wisdom as they deliberate. After the verdict is read, I pray that sanity and reason prevail and people remain calm. I pray that the media and outsiders refrain from inciting violence and allow the families to privately rebuild their lives. I pray for increased strength, faith, and forgiveness to bring about restoration in the families and our community. 

If only the peacefulness of my sanctuary could enfold each person at the courthouse, in Central Florida, our nation, and the world. 

How good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in peace! 
Psalm 133: 1 (The Voice)

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