Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Hidden

A heavy cover of slate clouds darkened the dawn. A blue heron’s gray feathers fit in with the dreary morning. As he waded on the shoreline, dark water concealed his spindly legs. He stepped beneath thick overhanging foliage.

Normally he preened himself in the bright sunlight. Often he bellowed to announce his presence and tiptoed along the water’s edge to search for food. But on that gloomy day, he hid.

With only a glance at the lake, he would be overlooked. By sitting quietly and studying the area, I noticed the large camouflaged bird. 

Perhaps the somber, windy morning kept him from his normal activities. Maybe he just needed a rest. Whatever his reason, he remained hidden.

Like the heron, people also try to escape during dark times. Some may just need time to relax and refresh. However, others isolate themselves because of depression, sadness, fear, anxiety... Perhaps they feel that no one cares.

Because I searched, I saw the heron. I also need to do a better job of searching for the lonely, sad, fearful, anxious... What a difference could be made if all Christians followed Jesus’ teachings.

“I tell you this; whenever you saw a brother hungry, when you saw a sister weak and without friends, when you saw the least of these and ignored their suffering, so you ignore Me.” Matthew 26: 45 (The Voice) 

Jesus, help me to see the lost and lonely. Guide me as I search. Amen

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