Friday, November 4, 2016

Awestruck by Pink

Take great joy in the Eternal: His gifts are coming and they are all your heart desires. (Psalm 37: 4 The Voice)

            Awesome. Spectacular. Magnificent. No word could adequately describe the awe inspiring sunrise.

            Within five minutes, a tiny spot of red burst into a glorious panorama of pink. The breathtaking display encircled the lake. My pen refused to write. My books remained closed. I could only stare at the beauty of God’s creation. Never had I seen such a radiant sunrise.

            I longed for it to remain for the day. But within ten minutes, only a trace of rose survived in the gray sky. Though brief, the sunrise reminded me of God’s power, creativity, and love. He painted the sky and also takes care of the details of my life.

            Like my special sunrise, some people burst into my life, left precious memories and disappeared too quickly. How thankful I am for each dawn and every person who touched my life.

Creator, thank you for the awesome gifts you give. Amen

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