Thursday, November 21, 2013

Alan's Journey

Around the lake, cypress leaves are rusting. Within weeks, they proceeded from green to burnt orange. Soon they will drop to signal the end of a season. Likewise, in the last few weeks, Alan is also moving to his final season too.

In October he joyously gave glasses to the poor of Jamaica. When I expressed reservations about taking the trip, he reminded me that God would take care of him. On his last of twenty-nine missions, he touched citizens of Jamaica, as well as, fellow team members. 

For over five and a half years after his diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, we continued to travel the world for missions and pleasure. He touched hundreds of lives while the deadly disease scarred his lungs. He beat the prediction of one to three years’ life expectancy and later three to five years. He was slowed and had to make accommodations when his lungs didn’t work properly but wasn’t stopped.

Only in the last month has the horrible disease attacked violently and altered his life. In ten days, he went from not using oxygen at all, to occasionally, and now to full time. Shuffling to the kitchen is like climbing Mt. Everest. Any exertion, such as brushing his teeth or shaving, brings on violent coughing fits and gasps for breath. 

We found out this week that he has a growing spot on his lung which is probably cancer. With his other issues, we decided to not have any treatment for that. In his weakened state, it would only prolong not cure his aliments. 

This week he started care with hospice so that he can be more comfortable. After seeing what they did for my parents this past year, we knew it would be a help for us too.

As terrible as the disease is to endure, Alan says it is all part of God’s plan. He is at peace and knows he will probably soon be with Jesus.  In his living and dying, he wants to be an example of the journey with Jesus.  As his legacy, he wants others to know that same peace in Jesus.

We appreciate so much all of the prayers, emails, cards, calls, and visits. As he gets worse, it is harder for him to talk on the phone or have many visits. I can take calls and relay them to him. He enjoys getting cards and emails which he can read on his new I Pad Air. He has enjoyed it so much and can keep up with the world from his recliner.

Continue praying. We know that God does heal but only He knows when or how. It may be here or with a new body in heaven.