Monday, December 23, 2013

Our Special Christmas Trees

After moving into a smaller home and getting rid of many ornaments and our tree, Alan and I only had a few Christmas items out and a Molly sized tree.

Neighborhood homes blazed with lights and colorful decorations. A wreath hung on our door and poinsettias welcomed visitors on the walkway, but no lights glittered on our home or bushes. 

A few days before Christmas, dawn revealed a decorated tree behind our home. Shimmering water droplets hung on the oak near the lake. Exquisite, glistening spider webs stretched from branch to branch. Instead of manmade decorations, God’s memorable creations graced our tree.

The seven cypress trees, with light green, dark green, bronze, and rust leaves, bordered the lake and sparkled in the sunlight. Tiny fluttering birds perched as ornaments. 

We didn’t have a manmade tree or formed live one. However, we received eight unique trees specifically adorned by God.

This year for Christmas, more than ever, we are focusing on Jesus, His love, and His commandment to love one another. What better gift than that. 

With dad’s passing this year, mother’s declining health, and Alan’s disease progression, material possessions fade in importance. Relationships become paramount.

Commercialism of Christmas pressures people to buy things that aren’t needed and to spend money they don’t have. Stress pushes out the joy of the season. 

During the quietness of the dawn, God presented His gifts. 

Ephesians 2:10 For we are the product of His hand, heaven’s poetry etched on our lives, created in the Anointed Jesus, to accomplish the good works God arranged long ago. (The Voice)

Creator, thank you for your endless gifts. The most important one is Jesus. Help us to see you each day and be a light in the dark world. Amen

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