Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Calmness of the Morning

A ring of shadowy trees surrounded the lake.   An unseen hand lightly brushed pink swirls across the pale blue sky. A miniature sunrise reflected on the lake.

A flurry of trills and tweets praised the artist. No painting compared to the masterpiece before me. From my cozy seat on the patio, the spectacular show captured me. 

Within moments, pink faded to white. Leaves emerged. Tiny ripples jiggled the lake. Morning had arrived.

Waiting for the sunrise calmed me. Thoughts of chores and concerns evaporated. For a few minutes, I watched God create a glorious gift for me. As the sun rose, colors muted and light appeared. I took a deep breath. The special present gave me hope and encouragement for the day and whatever it holds.

Psalm 136: 4-5 To Him who alone does marvelous wonders, for His faithful love lasts forever. Who created the heavens with skill and artistry for His faithful love lasts forever. 
(The Voice)

Psalm 131:2 Of one thing I am certain, my soul has become calm, quiet, and contented in you. Like a weaned child resting upon his mother, I am quiet. My soul is like this weaned child. O Israel, stake your trust completely in the Eternal-from this very moment and into the vast future. (The Voice)

Father, thank you for giving me signs to remind me that you are near. Thank you for your unending love. Amen.

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